'My Vendor' list
This is where you can view your vendors, your vendor list is accessible from the ‘My Vendors’ page. Your vendors are sorted by the following approval statuses:
Status | Description |
Compliant | The vendor meets your compliance requirements. |
Pending Review | The vendor has submitted their documents to VendorPM and their documents are under review or they have pending exemption requests with a leader in your organization. |
Not Compliant | The vendor doesn’t meet your organization’s approval criteria. |
Unclaimed | Vendors that have been invited to VendorPM but haven’t yet claimed their account. |
Viewing the vendor profile
The vendor profile is where you can see a vendor's information including their details, their compliance details relative to your organization and reviews from other property managers.
Viewing a vendor's compliance requirements
To view a vendor's compliance requirements, click the 'Compliance tab. This is where you can view the vendor's progress towards your compliance requirements.
Each document will have a tag which indicates the status that vendor has made towards the specific requirement.
Status | Description |
Not submitted | The vendor hasn't submitted a document for this requirement and must submit a document to become approved. |
Expired | The document that the vendor submitted has expired and you must upload a new document to become approved. |
Accepted | The document that the vendor uploaded has been accepted. |
Rejected | The document the vendor uploaded was rejected and they must upload a new document to become approved. |
Documented exempted | The vendor's exemption request was approved and they don't have to submit the document. |