Service Categories
Welcome! This article will tell you everything you need to know about the list of services on VendorPM.
List of Services
On VendorPM, services are used to enable Property Managers to find Vendors. Upon signup, Vendors select services, which are displayed on their marketplace listing. When Property Managers create new quote requests, they select a service and view a list of Vendors that offer the service.
List of Service Categories: You can view the list of services here.
Update to Service Categories (August 2022)
As of August 3, 2022, we’re excited to let you know that we have made changes to our platform to ensure you invite Vendors to jobs that are a great match for your project. We have done this by updating the services that you can select when creating Quote Requests. As part of this update, Vendors were required to update their services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What updates have been made to the list of services?
A: We have updated the list of services to enable better matching between Vendors and Property Managers. Updates include a new service selection mechanism, reducing the number of services to improve searchability, and updating service names to improve selection accuracy.
Q: One of the services I'm looking for is not available. How do I request a new service?
A: You can request a new service in the service selection module. All requests will be reviewed by a member of our team.
For any additional questions please reach out to your customer success manager.