Step 1: Navigate to 'Settings' by clicking your name in the top right corner
Step 2: Select 'Users' from the list on the left side
Step 3: Invite or Delete Users
Scenario 1: Invite a new user
Type the new user's email into the "Invite Additional Users" text box and click 'Send Invite'. You'll know the invite was successfully sent if the email appears in the 'Pending Invites' section.
The recipient will receive an email from VendorPM inviting them to be a collaborator on the account. Once the user invite is successfully accepted, the user will appear in the 'Manage Users' section.
Scenario 2: Delete an existing user
If you'd like to delete a user, click the red trash icon next to the user's email in the 'Manage Users' section.
Please note that you cannot delete a user while logged into that profile.